With advancement of printing technology, types of interface to approach information have been changed and a spatial composition of Library has been required to be transformed. The essential role of Library is accumulating knowledge between generations and is sharing information between authors and readers. Through the evolution of archiving methods, Papyrus had allowed us to archive lots of knowledge which conveyed mouth to mouth before. Then, it became an interface of sharing and archiving information. In advance, due to the development of typography and related technologies, it has been available to include much more information by printing massive volume of books. It also requires larger space of Library to archive books and provide space to communicate. Currently, we can access digitalized information via display panel and our generation is even more familiar with digital devices than books. However, new development of digitalized interface does not force to relocate or to completely change architectural layout of Library. What is new composition of Library at this moment?
This proposal seeks for new spatial strategies and system, focusing on the new relationship between both conventional/digital archiving spaces and the public as well as new ways to store knowledge and information within the corresponding social and site contexts, suggesting a public library that incorporate the hybrid interface systems for visitors to enable multi, real-time access on any form of information.